Source code for planai.llm_task

# Copyright 2024 Niels Provos
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import hashlib
import json
import logging
from pathlib import Path
from textwrap import dedent
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Type

from pydantic import ConfigDict, Field

from .cached_task import CachedTaskWorker
from .llm_interface import LLMInterface
from .task import Task, TaskWorker

    Here is your input data:

    Here are your instructions:

PROMPT_FORMAT_INSTRUCTIONS = "\n\n{format_instructions}"

[docs] class LLMTaskWorker(TaskWorker): model_config = ConfigDict(arbitrary_types_allowed=True) llm_output_type: Optional[Type[Task]] = Field( None, description="The output type of the LLM if it differs from the task output type", ) llm_input_type: Optional[Type[Task]] = Field( None, description="The input type of the LLM can be provided here instead of consume_work", ) llm: LLMInterface = Field( ..., title="LLM", description="The LLM to use for the task" ) prompt: str = Field( ..., title="Prompt", description="The prompt to use for the task" ) system_prompt: str = Field( "You are a helpful AI assistant. Please help the user with the following task and produce output in JSON.", description="The system prompt to use for the task", ) debug_mode: bool = Field( False, description="Whether to run the LLM to save prompts and responses in json for debugging", ) debug_dir: str = Field("debug", description="The directory to save debug output in") temperature: Optional[float] = Field( None, description="The temperature to use for the LLM. If not set, the LLM default is used", le=1.0, ge=0.0, ) use_xml: bool = Field( False, description="Whether to use XML format for the data input to the LLM" )
[docs] def __init__(self, **data): super().__init__(**data) if self.llm_output_type is None and len(self.output_types) != 1: raise ValueError( "LLMTask must either have llm_output_type or exactly one output_type" )
[docs] def consume_work(self, task: Task): return self._invoke_llm(task)
[docs] def get_task_class(self) -> Type[Task]: """Get the Task class type used for this task. This method provides a convenience way to specify the task class via llm_input_type instead of having to override consume_work(). If llm_input_type is not set, it falls back to the parent class implementation. Type[Task]: The Task class type to be used for this task. Either the value of llm_input_type if set, or the parent class's task type. """ return self.llm_input_type or super().get_task_class()
def _output_type(self): if self.llm_output_type is not None: return self.llm_output_type # the convention is that we pick the first output type if llm_output_type is not set return list(self.output_types)[0] def _format_task(self, task: Task) -> str: if task is None: return "" return ( task.model_dump_json(indent=2) if not self.use_xml else task.model_dump_xml() ) def _invoke_llm(self, task: Task) -> Task: # allow subclasses to customize the prompt based on the input task task_prompt = self.format_prompt(task) # allow subclasses to pre-process the task and present it more clearly to the LLM processed_task = self.pre_process(task) def save_debug_with_task( prompt: str, kwargs: Dict[str, Any], response: Optional[Task] ): self._save_debug_output(task=task, prompt=prompt, response=response) # allow subclasses to do extra validation on the response def extra_validation_with_task(response: Task): return self.extra_validation(response, task) response = self.llm.generate_pydantic( prompt_template=( PROMPT_TEMPLATE if processed_task is not None else "{instructions}" + ( PROMPT_FORMAT_INSTRUCTIONS if not self.llm.support_structured_outputs else "" ) ), output_schema=self._output_type(), system=self.system_prompt, task=self._format_task(processed_task), temperature=self.temperature, instructions=task_prompt, format_instructions=LLMInterface.get_format_instructions( self._output_type() ), debug_saver=save_debug_with_task if self.debug_mode else None, extra_validation=extra_validation_with_task, ) self.post_process(response=response, input_task=task)
[docs] def get_full_prompt(self, task: Task) -> str: task_prompt = self.format_prompt(task) processed_task = self.pre_process(task) return self.llm.generate_full_prompt( prompt_template=( PROMPT_TEMPLATE if processed_task is not None else "{instructions}" + ( PROMPT_FORMAT_INSTRUCTIONS if not self.llm.support_structured_outputs else "" ) ), system=self.system_prompt, task=self._format_task(processed_task), instructions=task_prompt, format_instructions=LLMInterface.get_format_instructions( self._output_type() ), )
[docs] def extra_validation(self, response: Task, input_task: Task) -> Optional[str]: """ Validates the response from the LLM. Subclasses can override this method to do additional validation. Args: response (Task): The response from the LLM. input_task (Task): The input task. Returns: Optional[str]: An error message if the response is invalid, None otherwise. """ return None
[docs] def format_prompt(self, task: Task) -> str: """ Formats the prompt for the LLM based on the input task. Can be customized by subclasses. Args: task (Task): The input task. Returns: str: The formatted prompt. """ return self.prompt
[docs] def pre_process(self, task: Task) -> Optional[Task]: """ Pre-processes the input task before sending it to the LLM. Subclasses can override this method to do additional processing or filtering. Args: task (Task): The input task. Returns: Task: The pre-processed task or None if all data will be provided in the prompt. """ return task
[docs] def post_process(self, response: Optional[Task], input_task: Task): """ Post-processes the response from the LLM and publishes the work. Subclasses can override this method to do additional processing or filtering. They should call super().post_process() if they want the task to be published for downstream processing. Args: response (Optional[Task]): The response from LLM. input_task (Task): The input task. """ if response is not None: self.publish_work(task=response, input_task=input_task) else: logging.error( "LLM did not return a valid response for task %s with provenance %s",, input_task._provenance, )
def _save_debug_output(self, task: Task, prompt: str, response: Optional[Task]): """ Save the prompt and response in JSON format for debugging purposes. Args: prompt (str): The prompt used for the LLM. response (Optional[Task]): The response from the LLM. task_prompt (str): The prompt based on the input task. """ if response is None: return output = Path(self.debug_dir) / f"{}.json" if not output.parent.exists(): output.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # for debugging, we want to save the input task completely including the input provenance task_dict = task.model_dump() task_dict["_input_provenance"] = [ t.model_dump() for t in task._input_provenance ] task_dict["_input_provenance_classes"] = [ t.__class__.__name__ for t in task._input_provenance ] output_dict = { "input_task": task_dict, "prompt_template": prompt, "response": response.model_dump(), } with open(output, "a", encoding="utf-8") as f: json.dump(output_dict, f, indent=2)
[docs] class CachedLLMTaskWorker(CachedTaskWorker, LLMTaskWorker): def _get_cache_key(self, task: Task) -> str: """Generate a unique cache key for the input task including the prompt template and model name.""" upstream_cache_key = super()._get_cache_key(task) upstream_cache_key += ( f" - {self.system_prompt} - {self.prompt} - {self.llm.model_name}" ) return hashlib.sha1(upstream_cache_key.encode()).hexdigest()